Chaos Tournament

Author: Vectorlight


Take control of a wizard with a random selection of spells.  Cast these spells and banish the other wizards from the game.  Your aim is to be the last wizard standing.

Played the Original?

For those who played the original please let us know anything this version does that differs from the original or any bugs you may find using the comments box below!

3D Printed Chaos Items

For those with access to a 3D printer, here are some 3D Printed Chaos sprites. Worth looking at if you're into 3D printing.


Use the mouse to select your wizard,  creatures and to cast spells.

For detailed playing instructions please click here.

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Date Added: March 01, 2011
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can't get the game to load anymore. is it no longer active?



Love this! But is there a way to hide your spells when playing against other humans? - they are always on display so there's never any surprise...



I love this game, i remember loads of us crowding into my mate tom's house and playing this. Im so glad i found it.



Thanks so much for this remake of Chaos -- surely one of the best games of the 80s.

One issue that I have with this game is the behaviour of the AI in relation to "Disbelieve" spells. In a recent game, I was mounting an attack on a vulnerable AI wizard with a Giant Rat, a Golden Dragon and a Vampire. AI casts a Disbelieve spell... on the GIANT RAT.

Surely it can't be too hard to program the AI to use his disbelieve spells on creations that are stronger and which have a low

casting chance? At the moment, it's too easy to cast a bunch of illusions and ravage the world with them... especially near the start of the game.

I'm pretty sure AI in the original version was a bit stupid when it came to disbelieve spells too... so maybe the way it's done here is authentic. But I think a smarter AI always makes for better gameplay.



Hey, Fantastic remake of a classic, I totally forgot all about this great game from back in the day, its just as addictive as i remember, the pure randomness of every single battle combined with chess like tactics, its still endlessly playable in the same way classic board games are, one thing game developers could learn from Chaos is 'randomness' is the thing to strive for to keep games replayable...i reckon this silverlight version improves on the speccy original whilst staying completely faithful to it, this has a much better user interface, when other remakes try to add too many things (graphically) something gets lost...So great job, loving this version...Anyway my question is How can we get some multiplayer action going?, I have been playing as a guest for a few days now and the lobby is always empty, do i have to register?...Thanks for this great in browser version (a windows 8 app version would be awesome)...looking forward to multiplayer challenge!



Really cool! Just a few things I noticed while playing the game:

When casting shadow wood the range seems to be much further than the original.

It is much, much easier than the original to get your chaos or law level up the standard needed to cast some of the more potent creatures, like the Vampire and Dragons. This would tend to limit the life of the game.

It's a little tricky to know what chance you have to cast a spell. Maybe you could incorporate some color coding, like the original, or have the percentage appear when you hover over the spell.

Davy da Geek

Davy da Geek

Great game- but think it's unfair that gooey blob doesn't kill the computer characters. (Kate (9) says "poo!")



Or some player gets bugged and npc replaces him (can't play with friends) or a npc gets blocked and the game cant continue. Please fix it!



Great game... but....

1. You cannot escape from a magic tree.

2. You own goey  blob and fire kills you... takes an age to kill anyone else though.

Thank you!!






This is so beyond awesome!

And i even get to play it online?

You made my day,sir



I can remember squishing myself and 4-5 of my mates into my bedroom to play this on the Speccy. So happy to have stumbled upon this!



Fantastic re-make well done, glad I found it!!!! Thank You



I've had to stop playing this until the bug is fixed.  Towards the end of every game the move round stops working and it's not letting me highlight any of my creatures to move them.  Such a shame - can this bug be fixed?



Great port, brings back lots of memories! Something that we couldnt figure out though was having human and AI players at the same time, is it possible? It seems to just keep kicking the human players out on game start when any AIs are selected. We got it to sort of work by pressing start game at the same time but after a few turns it desynced.



Hi - I've noticed after a few goes, it won't let me move anything during the movement round.  The computer wizards can still move though.  This can last for a number of goes.



Really great job!

Because of simplified mouse control I find this version much better as the original!

But I would really ask you to add range to the description of the wizrad ranged attacks and other things - for example magic bold, subversion, reise death, etc. If I would know the range before casting the spell it would be possible to stay farther from the battle with the wizard and also not waste the spell when you are out of range.



iphone app please



The King Cobra is treated as undead and cannot be attacked by non-undead. Will this be fixed?



I found a bug in the game..    When your next to an enemy and try to move away, instead of being told your engaged in combat you attack an empty square and waste your turn.



Several discrepancies between this and old version:

a) fire or blob is spreading right after spelling phase, not after movement phase

b) Creatures movemet (also shoots) diagonally costs 1,5 points, i.e. e.g.Elf could not shoot over 6 squares diagonally, but only 4, unicorn's double move diagonally costs 3 points not 2, etc.

c) i've destroyed shadow wood by disbelieve spell here

d) illusion creature become normal after recovering from blob in original version (possible bug)

e) troll did not existed in original version - found only in programme, but never used (original chaos was issued before finalization)

f) combat and defence of wizards controlled by player ranged from 1 to 5, computer controlled wizards from 1 to 8 regarding level of computer wizards

g) range of magic bow is 6 squares not 5

h) blob can never assimilate wood (shadow or magic), fire never harm owner or his creatures

i) original playing field has 15x10 squares

j) AI is different

moreover some original features, i don't know it here so far:

k) illusion could never be subversioned

l) illusion could never be raised (but here maybe no corpse left after illusion is killed) except raise dead spell is on 100% (i.e. Chaos *****). Illusion could become corpse or not, normal creature will become corpse always.

m) if creature is under the blob and is released by magic bolt or lightning, it is then owned by blob's owner regardless pre-owner

n) if dark power, justice, decree or vengeance is successfully cast on creature standing on corpse, this creature vanish and corpse is raised as a life (not undead) creature owned by wizard to whom the standing creature belong. Profitable i.e. when orc stands on dragon.

o) when wizard is mounted to undead creature and such creature is destroyed, wizard becomes undead too

p) original game has 32 turns (in 8 players mode)

q) magic wood is casted by enemy wizards as one of the latest spells (as well as law 1-2, chaos 1-2)

r) many times two or more computer wizards have same spell and same casting order

s) in original chaos, computer wizards were so clever to cast illusion even when the probability of successfull casting of non-illusion was 100%

there will be more, these are only after several games played. Nevertheless I found this remake the best so far (morkin is easy, chaos funk better, but..., etc.)

all discrepancies are not mentioned as mistakes, I wrote it only for comparison.



I am loving this game!



Just discovered your remake and it's awesome! It's great to play online and magic bolt folks.

One thing I've noticed though is if you enter some text chat that is longer than one line, the second line is obscured. Also a full-screen option would be nice.

Myke Black

Myke Black


Just tried this game out and it's a fantastic remake, the only thing that I found that was unlike the original is when you cast a spell like decree or dark power, you get 3 chances to cast it in the original so you could target 3 different creatures, or have 3 attempts to kill a wizard. A little known fact is that when Jullian Gollop released Chaos, the battle of wizards, the game was not finished but had to be rushed out to meet a deadline. There is a spell

I made a flash version of the game a while ago and recently updated it so it works in the latest flash players, if you are interested it is here: - I sampled the original graphics and sound, and the stats for the spells and monsters are lifted from the source code of the original game (you can view these in the source code), and I created a custom Chaos font, so it should be pretty faithful to how you remember it.

I also found a Java version of the game which stays true to the original here: 

However neither mine or the java version supports online multiplayer, so this version is a great improvement.

I'm just waiting for a version to be released for the iPad now- that would be awesome!

Ali Bongo

Ali Bongo

IIRC that's how wizards on undead mounts were always handled should the mount get re-killed

Mr. P. Fox

Mr. P. Fox

Firstly, this game is every bit as amazing and addictive as i remember it, really nice job!

Secondly, I encountered a really interesting bug the other day. A CPU wizard raised a unicorn from the dead and then got on it, the Undead Unicorn was then killed by my illusory Wraith, which my opponent then 'disbelieved', only for me to discover, Wraithless and lacking any other undead spells, that my enemy was now being treated as an undead character, and i just couldn't attack him any more!

i don't think this is a deliberate feature, but it would certainly be a useful manouevre if it was repeatable, and your opponent didn't know about it!

anyway, in the interests of a level playing field i thought i'd let you know that that's what happened.

hope to do battle with some of you good people on the multiplayer/facebook option soon!



Found a possible bug if you are interested, where sometimes you can disbelieve computer opponents shadow wood.



Nice to see this old game in a remake. :-) By the way, we have noticed a bug in multiplayer-mode. Sometimes, when fire is on the gameboard, in the movement-phase the other player sees the fire moving, instead of a creature of the opponent, then afterwards the game freezes.




Feel free to arrange games by posting messages either here or, for facebook users on the Chaos Tournament group page:

As for Turmoil, yep it's in the game.  Like the original it can only be found in Magic Wood and is pretty rare.  Unlike the original though it doesn't crash the machine when it's finished



HOW bout this,

Anyone who wants to play, leave a message on the message board here and suggest some convenient times to get together and play and we'll have a chat and get a session on.

I'll give out my MSN address or similar (I don't use facebook) and we can keep in touch ???



I've just checked back on the latest comments and I see a button with "Online Multiplayer" in it!??!?

Not tried it yet, just had a look and nobody there to play against.

Is there somewhere I can go or maybe a site that will hook up gamers?

What about approaching Microsoft and get it onto XBOX ARCADE?? I have no idea what's involved but I recently paid about £3.00 (shocking really) for an updated version of "JETPAC" by Ultimate PLay the Game (Rare etc).

I felt a bit swizzed that it didn't include updates like Jetman etc but hey it was still GREAT fun.

That had a multiplayer but as yet haven't had an online game on that either.



Just wondering if you have included the spell 'Turmoil' which you could pick up from magic woods in the original, used to love casting that one with a big fire or blob out and sitting back to watch my speccy completely flip out. does not compute..............

Don Rumata

Don Rumata

1st player cast: ogre

2nd player cast: magic wings

suprisingly 1st player got the magic wings, and the both players hang



Hi guys,

The online multiplayer version is now available for upto 8 human players online, it's also available as a Facebook app too.  Computer controlled players can also be added to a game if there are no human players around.

This is a BETA release and as such may contain bugs.  If you find any bugs please post them either here or on the Facebook app page.




Brilliant job recreating this classic (which I still play on a Spectrum emulator on the Mac).

You've got to finish the multiplayer version! -- None of the comments have dates. Is it happening soon? You'll have to work on online Rebelstar next!



The sound effect for moving a flying creature isn't as cool as the original game, also the combat noise chould be a bit beefier. But a fine version of a brilliant game - thanx for making it!!



Hey, loved this game on the speccy when I was a kid, awesome update. I notice you have included trolls which is cool as they were missing from the Spectrum version even though there was mention in the code. I notice a small bug - when you shoot arrows with a centaur sometimes it bugs out and gives you infinite shots.



Hi Guys,

Thanks for listing all the problems with the game.  I've done an update today to fix a lot of these such as:

1. Disbelieve and empty square and it freezes.

2. Trying to cast a spell with no line of sight and you losing the spell.

3. Dragon strength, these and other powerful creatures are harder to kill.

Plus the bugs reported by Cryptic on the forum are fixed:

As for adding an online multiplayer mode to the game.... It's currently in the making


Joo Boy

Joo Boy

I cast Dark Power but the spell was out of range.

I lost the round rather than being able to go back and pick another. Thus I lost the spell and missed a round.

I believe even if this is true to the original, it could be made clear before wasting a spell that it won't work, No line of sight/ Out of Range. etc.

I think remakes should take any fun killing aspects from the original and fix it....?

Joo boy

Joo boy

Sorry I think I lost the top of my last post!!! I think it's the second one down below.

I had meant to explain that I was interested in the idea of a CHAOS CARD GAME....With Dice

Chaos Man Dan

Chaos Man Dan

Love the game. Been playing it a lot

I cast a Disbelieve spell into an unoccupied square by accident (Ok... I missed). The spell cast (at nothing) but then the game froze



I've thought about this a little bit and until I remembered that they still make D20 (20 sided dice), couldn't see a way of making it work... but what about it??

I have a pot somewhere of dice that can be used to make up just about any probability of chance... they don't cost a lot, and a deck of cards ain't hard to get your hands on.

Can any Mathematics wizards work out a game??? Ace = Golden dragon etc? 2 =Disbelieve??

or design a pack of cards such as like in Talisman with the actual spells on them and just deal them out and use DICE to get the results.. Spells cast remain face down and a JOKER means that they are ILLUSIONS???

Get back to me on here if you wanna help me do a deck of cards or just try out a few rounds if you can work it out on a normal deck??






I've been searching and asking people if they can make this game in JAVA or HTML or wotnot or  WHATEVER so that it can be played online!!!

As I think someone said, it was the second most popular speccy game of all time !>?>!?? ( I think so ) all the succesors failed to beat it for simplicity or FUN!

I think having this game along side a chat room or voice chat would be the ultimate in online FUN gaming...

WHADDYA SAY.. can it be done?!?!?



In the original, If you managed to get a couple or even 1 (real) golden dragon out, you were pretty much unstoppable, seems to easy to kill a dragon in this version, not sure if its an actual bug or not. appreciate the remake



Hi Dan

Many thanks for all the bug fixes. Here are a few more bug reports for you-:

1. I killed a wizard using my Centaur but for some reason the Centaur died in the process

2. I fired on a undead creature using my Golden Dragon, a error was returned as expected. After this I was able to fire on any enemy creature on the board.

3. My Golden Dragon was able to fire on a wizard hidden behind a wall



Hi Guys,

Thanks for putting these forward, I have had a fixing session today and these should all be sorted.  The main "Bogarts Bug" is certainly fixed, the problem was he was trying to move the tree(!) rather than himself.


1. When SFX is disabled the fire sound will also be turned off.

2. You can now dismount into a tree.

3. When you select a piece (such as a magic wood) that contains a wizard, this is now indicated in the text at the bottom.

If the bugs still seem to be there you may need to completely reload the web page (CTRL F5) in order to clear the previous copy of the game.



Here are a few more bugs/request I have found-:

1. It is not possible to dismount your wizard into a Magic Tree

2. During the 2nd movement for my Bear I attempted to move him into a Magic Tree. Instead of an error being returned I was no longer able to move the bear during that round

3. Would it be possible to advise the player if a wizard is in a Magic Tree?



As previously mentioned if Bogart enters another wizard's Magic Tree then the game stalls at the point where it's Bogart's turn to move.

I think the issue only occurs if a CPU player enters a human player's Magic Tree. I am not certain if the issue only occurs with Bogart



Bug - The SFX for Magic Fire can be heard even with SFX turned off



There appears to be a bug if a wizard is inside a tree and an enemy is next to the tree. The CPU player never finishes there turn. See screenshot



Hi Guys,

At the moment the game is multiplayer only on the same machine (the same as the original).  I do hope to add a multiplayer mode to it when time permits in the future.


Thanks for letting me know, this is a bug which has now been fixed.


Thanks for these bug reports it really helps me replicate the problem, a fix is underway.




Can this be played multiplayer ? soz if its a stupid question.




Sorry to be a pest, just thought Id let ya know that I was playing a game where I had cast magic wood, Bogart moved into it and when it came to his turn again the game just stopped, with the type at the bottom of the screen saying Bogarts turn to move.  Unlike the last game where this happened there were other wizards and creatures in play.  Please dont think I am rushing you into a fix Im just keeping you informed the game is still very playable, the other fixes you implemented are working very well.  Thanks.



Thanks for making this remake, its great. However Ive found a bug regarding moving creatures. If you have say a giant rat which can move more than once, If you click off it after two moves, and then click back on, the number of moves gets reset, so you can move right across the board.

Thanks again.



Thanks for the quick fixes, I did notice the multi-part spells functioning as they should.  Thanks again :-)

One other thing is it possible to be able to play Chaos with friends who happen to be in the lobby at the same time?



Hi fatbat,

Thanks for letting us know about these.  The main problem with the game freezing when casting multi-part spells (wall, dark power etc) has been fixed (points 1 and 3), I'm still looking into your 2nd item and will hopefully get that fixed soon too.





Great remake brings back good memories of when my dad brother and I played this on the Spectrum.  Im finding the game randomly freezes.  A couple of examples :-

1.  When I cast dark power, vengence, justice etc sometimes it works other times the type at the bottom of the screen remains and im unable to move or finish my turn the only way out is to restart the game.

2.  I had cast magic wood, Bogart was the only wizard left he had no creatures, I was killing the shadow wood.  Bogart moved into one of my tree's I had my turn, when it came to Bogarts turn to move the tree he was in remained highlighted, the type at the bottom of the screen remained and I couldnt do anything other than restart the game.

3. As I type this I am in the middle of a game again there is just one Wizard left Im killing his gooey blob for points, I decided to cast wall to see if that would hold back the blob, I managed to cast one square of wall and the game as frozen.

This isnt a complaint I can live with it I just thought Id point it out :-)



very well

mr flibble

mr flibble

with a green dragon (real) i had just done a failed melee then a failed breath attack then clicked info on the dragon - it then stuck on breath attack and i was able to attack at any range (entire screen) infinte times... which meant i immediately won! :D



Hi MijinLaw,

Thanks for pointing this out.  It was a bug which I have fixed.  Now the spells of an alignment opposite to the environment alignment do not get harder than their base casting chance which is how the original behaved.




Hi Steve,

Glad you like the game, I've added some brief descriptions of each spell which you will see when selecting a spell to cast.




I don't think the concept of "law" and"chaos" worked like this in the original game.

The way it works in this game causes a runaway effect towards law or chaos. Every game I play seems to end with all players holding a clutch of spells that are all 10% due to being of the wrong type.

(IIRC the odds of Chaos +2 working, say, became *better* as the world tended towards being lawful)

Rest of it ace though!



I've really enjoyed toying with this. However, there's no description of what a lot of the spells do! Could you please write a small description of the spells that aren't very obvious, say the dark power spell?


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